Keighty is a multi-media artist based in Los Angeles, CA. Their work is an often self-indulgent attempt to reconcile internal musings on personal identity with the cultural subconscious at large.
I Want to Know Your Hair Stories!
My current series revolves around hair and hair identities, coupled with how identity fits classically into art history narrative of viewer gaze. Women, Men, and People of all cultures have histories & traditions that present themselvs through our hair.
From gender or racial stigmas, economic devision, or even subcultural ties each person’s story is unique and I would love to hear yours!
I know my experiences can only stretch so far, so want to ask you to share your own experience with hair. Be it presure to style yourself a specific way to put others at ease, a fear of balding, a bad hair cut that haunts your adolescence, or simply your opinion on the center vs side part war.